Saturday, September 28, 2024

My Ivy

 Simple Gifts

If I am thinking correctly, a new baby is probably undoubtedly the grandest gift that could be. - Winnie the Pooh

Suddenly, she became my everything. 

Beautiful, playful, smart, and loving all at the same time. My grandest gift.

I watched her sleep when she was just a baby, thinking that when she woke, she would move mountains.

Inniswood Metro Gardens, OH:
 May 12, 2024

It has often been said, You gotta dance like there's nobody watching.

However, growing up and through her adult years, Second Daughter has been dancing as though EVERYBODY is watching.

Always, she has marched to the beat of her own drummer. And stubbornly refuses to fit in.

Why not?

Why push through life when you can dance through it?

Every day should be a chance to draw in a breath. Especially today!





So, kick off your shoes.

And dance.

Happy 50th birthday, sweetheart!


Saturday, September 21, 2024


 Simple Gifts

My moods don't just swing - they bounce, pivot, recoil, rebound, oscillate, fluctuate and occasionally pirouette. - Anonymous

I had recently gifted myself a mood ring.

It contains a so-called thermochromic element or mood stone with liquid crystals that change color depending on the temperature of the wearer's finger.

Interesting premise, huh?

The design I chose was that of an axolotyl.

I'll call you Axo, I beamed, as I looked at his lizard-like limbs, branching gills protruding from both sides of the head, and a nature-made smile that was unusually cute.

He's magical.

He constantly changes colors, just like the weather which has been capricious. Golden sunlight one minute, black skies and windblown rain the next.

Once, when I checked my ring, Axo was joyfully wearing a smile and showing off a bright reddish color. He looked like he was anticipating the sense of promise brought by the fresh smell that filled the air.

I'm happy, he seemed to say, unprompted.

For most of the day, though, Axo started to  turn green. Normal, average - according to the mood chart. 

When I checked later, he had turned purple. Seemingly smirking. Huh?! My situation had gone from normal to sensual

What did Axo know that I didn't?

I couldn't contain my amusement at the thought. If I had believed in wishes, I'd wish.

But the possibility certainly cheered me considerably.

Saturday, September 14, 2024


 Simple Gifts

We are kids. The only difference is the toy we have. - Pablo Larraine

I love toys.

Kids' toys.

The smaller they are, the cuter, I think.

I got one such toy last year. A birthday gift from Second Daughter and Granddaughter. 

They had connived and deemed it appropriate that turning-79-year-old me needed this cute, multicolor kawaii anime night light.

A spark of mischief  illuminates his face. 

A slight smile lifts the corners of his mouth.

Amazon describes the item as a nursery USB rechargeable night light and room decor with seven-LED colors suitable for baby, children, toddlers, and teen girls. Made of washable silicon without any hard angles or edges so he would be safe enough for children and newborns to hold and play with.

At first sight, I must confess that I had smiled in delight, but quickly suppressed it to add a fake eyeroll. 

I have decided to call him Papi. 

Papi winks at me from my night stand.

Sometimes, he joins in the company of squishmallows Chanel and Matt on the bed.

In the storms of life when a darkening sky doesn't bode well, Papi glows.

Shining with warmth and brightness.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Beignet and Cappuccino

 Simple Gifts

In the early morning, as I watched the deck come to life with an assortment of our adopted critters, lyrics from a song the girls used to sing in Cherub Choir came to mind. 

'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free

'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be.

- Simple Gifts, Shaker song written and composed in 1848

A great choice for my September series. 

Simple Gifts.

So it shall be.

And as I find myself in the place just right, twill be in the valley of love and delight.


The most important decision you make is to take in a good mood. - Voltaire

I don't have to overextend myself to take in a good mood.

A French Quarter classic beignet and cappuccino will do.

It has been said that the true meaning of life is not to be discovered only after death in some hidden, mysterious realm. On the contrary, it can be found by eating the succulent fruit of the Tree of Life and by living in the here and now as fully and creatively as we can.

I agree.

At a downtown cafe that morning with Second Daughter for a pre-Mother's Day treat, my here and now was defined in a plate of deep-fried, soft, donut-like original beignet and a cup of cappuccino. 

Dusted with powdered sugar and served warm, what was not to love about this square-shaped pastry? I was almost smacking my lips with anticipation.

Every bite of the beignet and every sip of my espresso-based coffee drink topped with a thick layer of foam was heaven.

Délicieux! C’est fantastique! I spoke through stuffed lips.

Some days, you just have to create your own sunshine.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Anticipation's Sweet Embrace

 Game On

And you thought it would be FROGGER or DONKEY KONG this week?


I wouldn't pass up the chance to highlight this amazing milestone family celebration as the climactic end to this series.


The suspense is terrible. I hope it'll last. - Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Imagine the thrill of not knowing what would come next. 

We were on our toes.

Grandparents, parents, siblings, aunts, godmothers, cousins, friends, and Filipino competitors-turned-fans were cheering, some of them waving SAS-decorated fans and ti leaves, sacred to Hawaiian gods, to bring good luck.

It was Day 4 of the 51st AAU Boys Junior National Volleyball Championships 2024.

After three grueling days of qualifying games packed with thrills, bumps, sets, and spikes, First Grandson and team members were playing for gold.

Someone said that the most important thing in any competition was not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life was not the triumph but the struggle.

RDH, Opposite/Outside Hitter Makes A Kill!

But that day, in back of our minds was the thought that these boys were geared around getting there and winning gold.

RDH Dives! Score!! Match Point!!! Screenshot from video: V.E.V., AAU Volleyball Championships 2024

And they did!

At the final deciding game of the match, after SAS scored a point to win the rally, applause erupted. 

Shouts reverberated.

Tears came.

Hugs galore and dancing ensued.

For us, it was an Olympic-size victory, an event that we would all remember and cherish.

When Team Spike and Serve Hawaii won the gold.

When overnight, First Grandson and the boys became a star.

When they not only fought well but conquered. 

Here's to you, RDH - YOU are awesome!!!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Gas Out

Game On 

Family - a little bit of CRAZY, a little bit of LOUD, and a whole lot of FUN. - Anonymous

Sprawled on the carpet, First Grandkids and we eyed Guster. He was the prominent character seated prominently at the center, presiding over the Gas Out game.

Waiting with bated breath as our turn came playing our card in hand, we took turns pressing Guster as many times as shown.

The premise was simple. If Guster farted, you were out.

Your turn, Jach. First Granddaughter chuckled under her breath.

Getting ready for a potentially odorous blow, Jach gingerly pressed Guster.

Whew! Nope. He seemed pleased, a smile twitching at the corners of his mouth.

Cheatah, Jach, First Grandson piped in briskly. You didn't even press Guster. Do it! - at which point Guster the Gas Cloud, full of intestinal discomfort, emitted a loud PBBBT!

We all burst into a wet and teary laughter.

G's turn.

BRAAAP! Guster was ripping at every turn. I knew that if I opened my mouth, the laugh would just burst out, so I just made nods and kept my head bent down.

Eww! The blasts were not silent and they were definitely deadly. Cards in the deck kept the fun tooting along.


Yay! Skip! First Granddaughter looked up, her eyes widening.

The reverse card "blew" the turn back in the opposite direction. Phooey! First Grandson huffed out a laugh.

The sound that came out was unpronounceable. Something like THPPTPHTPHPHHPH!

I don't recall how the game ended, but what I remember was elation rising inside me.

A moment of intimacy.

Enclosed in a bubble of joy over such a silly thing as a stinking, breaking wind.

Saturday, August 17, 2024


Game On

Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life. - Albert Einstein

Second Grandddaughter and I sat, looking expectantly at each other. Horizontally in front of us was a sungka board.

Sungka, pronounced as soong-kah, is a two-player game played with seashells on a wooden, boat-like board.

Players pick up shells from a chosen hole, move them clockwise around the board, dropping a shell in each hole that's passed over and in the player's designated home base.

The object is to obtain as many shells in one's home, I chattered on brightly.

The rules set, I said. You start. My voice was soothing.


                                        Internet pic only

Second Granddaughter nodded coyly. Perusing her choice, she daintily picked from the hole from her farthest right and started distributing the shells.

She barked out a laugh, a wild one. I'm winning, G. Her tone and expression were teasing.

We shall see, I spoke calmly and took a turn. I barely paused to take a breath. I'd found my rhythm. Until... I "died" (meaning I ended in an empty hole and had lost my turn).

I could see in the course of the game that First Granddaughter was filling her house.

Ah, beginner's luck. I mocked her gently.

She continued to drop the shells one by one. Looking at my scantily-filled home base, she predicted with a smile at the corner of her lips, You'll end up with burnt houses, G (meaning I wouldn't have enough shells to fill my holes when we begin the next round of play).

As my turn came, I picked up a bunch from a hole, breathed slowly, and took a chance. I could win this. I thought that I had guessed with dead-on accuracy, but as a lonely shell dropped in an empty hole, I knew that I had lost.

Sigh... Just once, I'd like something to go as planned, ya know?

I let out a hooting laugh as dramatically, I clutched at my heart.

Second Granddaughter stifled a giggle, trying to convey a touch of sympathy.

I shooed her away in mock disappointment, but in my heart, I knew that winning wasn't really my biggest thrill. There were more important things.

Like seeing a smile stretched wide across a youthful face.

Hearing a good rich smile.

The sensation of finding mooring in family.