Saturday, February 22, 2025

YOU Are The Magic!


The illusion of perfection is an illusion anyway. - Anonymous

Re Quick Change, Second Daughter said, Don't know many magic tricks, but I do like your reference about 5 minutes. =)

First Daugther quipped, They wore several outfits at once? Yes, but how were the changes made?

I must admit that I had been intrigued by the Quick Change act... until I found out how it is done. 

The secret is pretty simple. The most common way is to put on multiple costumes at the same time and for an assistant (hidden from view, of course) to get rid of the layers in such a way that it looks like the performer is able to change the entire outfit in seconds.

Velcros, snaps, and magnets are often used to keep everything in place during the performance. On cue, strings are used to pull on and take off each layer of clothing.

As for me, I'd just keep calm and get dressed. Importantly, I'd be sure to remember this simple dress code. Keep your clothes on!

And now, for the finale of this series...


Come to think of it, perhaps we don't need to watch nor understand how legendary illusionist David Copperfield can make the Statue of Liberty disappear or how he can escape from Alcatraz.

Consider the bewitching moments in every day.

May Calendar Page. Compiled by P.D.Hughes, Hawaii: 2024 

* The deep, wild magic that’s as old as the world itself in the bond shared between dog and human.

* A little boy grown up.

* A dad who held his kids' hands for a short while but who holds their hearts forever.

* The pride of accomplishment.

* The soul connection between mothers and daughters that would carry through a lifetime of smiles, even tears.

Life's magical moments are here, all around us. That's the thing about magic.

There's magic in the feeling that nudges us to delight at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of enchantment waiting somewhere behind the morning. 

The sentiment that reminds us that this world, after all our science and technology, is still a miracle. 

Wonderful. Inscrutable.

For the best magic of all, what you need to do is simply to turn it on, for... 

... Y O U are the magic!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Quick Change


Illusion is the first of all pleasures. - Voltaire

On the Levitating Woman trick, First Daughter said, I don't know how the trick works! No other responses were received, so it looks like the secret to this trick needs to be unveiled now.

At its core are hidden supports and mechanisms that make the illusion possible. These often involve a mix of metal rods, mechanical platforms, or even strings, all skillfully concealed from the audience's view. 

The key is to create a believable illusion of levitation while keeping the supports invisible.

The magician directs the audience's attention away from the secret mechanisms with movements and gestures, all designed to distract and mislead.

Modern renditions of the trick utilize innovations like electromagnets, advanced hydraulics, and even computer-controlled systems to make the illusion more seamless and mesmerizing.


Now, to this week's magic act.

I really need new clothes. Is this you every morning?

Or this. I have to put on makeup, a bra and pants on? I'm not going.

Or, you do eventually find the stamina to get dressed, although stressed and depressed. You say, Ready in five minutes. But you're using the same time scale a man uses when he says the game will be over in five minutes.

Then, you emerge dressed up like you're going to get murdered in those clothes.

Such dilemma won't apply to the QUICK CHANGE artist.

This kind of magician is able to have several changes of fashionable outfits in seconds, often multiple times in a row, before a live audience.

In an AGT show I watched recently, a couple took this entire performance one step further and got really creative with their tricks. Not only were they garbed in a dozen different outfits in a few minutes, but they also changed their clothes while only being covered by an umbrella or even smoke.

You know magic is not real, but how??!!

Please email (send to me only), if you know how it works. 

The secret is revealed in the next blog.


Saturday, February 8, 2025

Levitating Woman


There is no magic in magic, it is all in the details . - Walt Disney

Not one of you seem to know the hidden mystery behind the Black Magic game, so here it is.

In private, the magician tells the assistant the secret to the game. The latter will be pointing to different objects in the room, and asking the magician whether each one is the object that has been chosen by the audience.

The magician keeps answering, No, but pays attention to the color of the object that is being pointed to. When the assistant points to a black object, that will be the cue. The magician will answer, No, but both know fully well that the next object to be pointed to will be the right answer. 

To that, the magician answers, Yes.


Are you ready for this week's illusion challenge?

Yup, it's the all too-familiar Levitating Woman trick.

A woman lies down, usually on a board or a table.

Then, as the audience watches in disbelief, she rises into the air with no visible means of support. The spectacle is often enhanced by dramatic gestures, such as passing hoops over the levitated person to dispel any suspicions of wires or hidden supports.

How does a magician achieve this feat? Is it pure skill, clever engineering, or a combination of both? 

Please email (send to me only), if you know how it works. 

The secret is revealed in the next blog.


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Black Magic


It doesn't stop being magic just because you know how it works. - Terry Pratchett

I love magic.

It's not real, but it's fun. When life get serious sometimes, I think magic can bring back a joyful energy to invigorate us.

Thus, in this series, I'd like to feature some of my favorite magic show acts. But not only that. I'd like to ask you if you know or can figure out how the magic is done.

For starters, how about the BLACK MAGIC game? I used to play it as a kid.

As the name suggests, this is a baffling game where the magician is able to guess which object had been pre-selected by the audience.

The game proceeds as the magician's assistant points to different objects in the room, asking, Is this the one? Eventually, as the correct object is pointed to, the magician enigmatically discerns it to be so and says, Yes. 

Of course, he is correct.

Please email (send to me only), if you know how it works. 

The secret is revealed in the next blog.