Saturday, November 26, 2016

Embracing Tiger, But No Hidden Dragon

Frolic with nature. In. Slow. Motion.  

An ancient Chinese Supreme Ultimate Exercise ambitiously purports to do just that.  

Venerable Teacher instructs: Make yourself as small as possible. Bend knees for Commencing Posture. 

The movements that follow are rhythmic, graceful, S-L-O-W.  Immerse yourself in the moment.  Savor the curve of your hand, as it reaches sideways.  Then, gently brush your ear; push forward and repulse Monkey.

With a Magic Wand, Teacher conjures Sparrow, Golden Cock - then gives the summons to embrace Tiger!

It's mesmerizing.  In a trance, you dance with Cloud.

You Lift Water and part the Wild Horse's Mane.  

Your feet instinctively execute the T and L positions, for you know that doing so will lead to the Promised Land, flowing with the milk of eternal sunshine and the honey of a spotless mind.

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