Saturday, February 9, 2019


Let's Go Camping!
KOA: Flagstaff, Arizona

You may have formed an idea about me by this time, regardless of how long we've been together.
You're correct. I adore furry critters, specially dogs and fowls.

On my dowdy days, I risk going makeup-less for a last-minute trip to Meijer. You know. The one where you aren’t planning on running into anyone and then you discover the entire congregation of your church is there.

I'm also a devoted Goodwill patron who religiously delivers donations to the back door, only to detour to the front just to see What's.New.Inside. That's how I end up being the proud owner of all the glass milk vases on aisle 4. I can't help it. They call my name every time.

Overall, I’m kind of happy with my furry-friendly, makeup-less, and faithful thrift shop persona.

But in self-discovery news, back when I was 30-something, I came to realize a weird, perhaps mildly-irritating, game-time side of mine at camp.

You know. When after those hotdog dinners, the girls, Hubby, and I gather by the bonfire to play Go Fish. Or Old Maid.

And specially Uno

The official Uno rule states that after a card is drawn, the player can discard it if it is a match or a wild card (with all four colors). In the latter case, you get to designate which of the four colors it will be. 

I don't know what it is, but I'd get all disproportionately excited and boisterous and will heartily shout out my color choice, Reyd! (for red) or Gren! (for green), deliberately mispronouncing the word for my own amusement. 

And you know what gets me all the time? When a player, I or someone else - it doesn't matter who - draw(s) a card and continue(s) to do so, waiting for a match, like forever! 

Are you surprised that I find this situation Comedy-Central funny? 

The game continues until a player has one card left and shouts, Uno! and matches the top card.

Game over. 

As it starts darkening outside and you crawl back into your tent, and it’s just a little bit crisp and cool and you have to pull your sleeping bag flap over your face, you realize that you'd remember that day by its colors. The vibrant red and yellow, and blue and green - and I'm not talking about the cards, but the world around.

And tomorrow, the same glorious colors will herald the day. 

And when it's over, it's game time once more by the campfire. 

And in my most-competitive, excitable voice, I'll get to bellow, Get the cards out! It's 'Uno' time. Come on, Reyd!

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