Saturday, July 27, 2019

Yelfred And Omek

Best Friends

Frintships can grow back. - Portis

If you need a good book for today, I'd recommend Best Frints In The Whole Universe by Antoinette Portis. 

It is clever, imaginative, hilarious, sweet, and wacky. Cosmically delightful and other-worldly, it is set ... where else? On the planet Boborp.

Do you want to see what it looks like? Are you curious? Let’s take a tour.

It is bright and toothy. Fresh and fun and vibrant and full of life. A place where you are welcomed with open arms to play eye ball and eat yunch. Guess with whom?

Are you ready? Hold on.  Let me pause for dramatic emphasis...

Yelfred and Omek.

One is pink and the other, purple - with antennae, tadpole-like tails, and clawlike arms and legs. An unlikely pair who have grown up together and have been best friends since they were little blobbies. They talk in their own funny language.


When they laugh, their eyes crinkle at the corner, their sharp teef showing beneath their broad grins.

Are you all in? Let the fun and games begin!

But have I mentioned that on Boborp, teef are long and tempers are short? Can anything go wrong between these neon-berry colored frints? Oh, yes, and with great drama. 

It is one of those perfect days. Yelfred rides up in a sleek new spossip, a blurfday gift. Omek longs to take it for a spin and won’t take NO for an answer. And things happen. 

The spossip gets shmackled to pieces. 

Does Omek apologize? Nope. He's hardly contrite. It was that way when I got it, he reasons out. 

That, of course, sparks the biggest fight yet. Yelfred is furious and bites Omek’s tail off (luckily, on Boborp, tails grow back). Words tumble out. He calls him a double-dirt bleebo.  

What a turn of events! It has been a long, terrible day. Can these two alien pals make up and move on? I mean….of course, I don’t think it’s that bad. To fix the vehicle and repair their friendship.

And that's what they do. Whew!

Take a regular spewdriver that’s minding its business. And then? Cut copious amounts of taypo. Use twire. And what's dented and bent is new again. All fixed with tape and a sturpler.

Perhaps the bewitching atmosphere of Boborp has gotten the better of me because suddenly, I know I'd like to spend the time right there.

With frints who still believe that the world is a magical place full of adventure and where friendships can be restored.

With friends as well who are bound in their loyalty to be a harmonious community and be part of something larger than just the little circle we make for ourselves.

With those whose laughter punctuates their sentences with huge, bellied guffaws. There is something about friends like them, loud and talking on top of each other, that makes you feel better, no matter the conversation. 

And even with those whose unique way of communicating, through grunts and a simple sound, make the world seem rounder and softer. 


In the midst of chaos and the dings and nicks of life, friends will not merely endure: they will prevail.

The End.

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