Saturday, February 13, 2021

Cube Cutie


Just look at him.

He's two and a half inches tall, snuggled in a tiny basket.

Guess how long it took me to crochet this so-called cube cutie?

The pup, 50 minutes. The basket, 10 minutes. Yep. It takes only about two-thirds of a Netflix movie to complete.

So easy you can finish a menagerie in an afternoon.

What am I thinking spending all that time getting ready with full-on makeup?  Why do I spend hours feeling bereft, adrift in a dizzying haze? Why do I wallow for days in the fuzzy snippets of a myriad things? 


When with 60 minutes, I can be inspired and create something that makes me smile. (Aside: I know I could have done the project under an hour if I didn't have to look for a safety pin to mark my stitches.)

It's my favorite venture, thus far.

Not everyone wants to climb Mount Everest. Or become a billionaire. Or leap over buildings with a single bound and save the world with a cape.

I'm all in when it comes to seemingly trifling notions.

The celebration of the joy in the everyday.

The emphasis on littles.

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