Saturday, November 28, 2020

I'm Thankful For...

It’s Thanksgiving! 

Time to look around us and be thankful for all things, no matter how small or trivial they may seem.

As for me, here are the Top Ten Things I'm thankful for:

10 - Meijer coupons

9 - When you feel like an 'after picture'

8 - Elastic waistbands

7 - Sparrows, shy chickadees and cardinals, darting chipmunks 

6 - Underwear that covers everything it’s supposed to

5 - My bidet

4 - Silent farts

3 - My Phonak earpiece

2 - That I'm not a turkey

And the Number One thing I'm thankful for...

               F A M I L Y :

               My six brothers





           And everyone and everything else

                          I've missed.

                There are so many things

        to be thankful for. What are yours?

Thanksgiving dinner: crab legs, corn, Second Daughter's green bean casserole and mashed potatoes, and Second Granddaughter's turkey cake

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