Saturday, June 11, 2022

Happy Talk


There is nothing more beautiful than a vulnerable heart in open hands. -  Amanda Mosher

She had him at Happy talk.

But more than that, her hands. They mesmerize. 

Fans of the 1957 movie musical South Pacific will well remember Bloody Mary's enchanting and innocent Tonkinese daughter Liat. In a memorable scene in the plunge pool below a water's steep fall, she transcends the barriers of language as she mimics with hand gestures the words of her mother's song about having a happy life.

Happy talk, keep talking happy talk,

Talk about things you'd like to do.

Everything starts with a dream.

Lieutelan Cable is gazing at her, his eyes liquid and softened, his face kind.

You gotta have a dream, if you don't have a dream,

How you gonna have a dream come true?

She looks at him with puppy-dog eyes. They play a dance of glances, of secret significant smiles.

Her hands are miracles as she talks about a moon floating in de sky looking like a lily on a lake.

... About a bird learning how to fly

Making all the music he can make.

The way her fingers move feels so natural and right. As if they hold memories of a thousand other lifetimes. 

Her eyes dance with humor, so gold in the sunshine, making him want to touch her. Her hair, her skin. To hold the hand inside him.

I'm spellbound.

Two conspiring lovers, contriving in their mirth.


Dreamers in an endless universe.

Erupting in some joint  emotion, blinking into the sunlight. A girl saying to de boy: 'You an' me is lucky to be us!'

Behold the hands.

How they promise, supplicate, beckon.

How they can talk happy and have a dream come true.

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