Saturday, February 25, 2023

Love Haiku iv

Haiku is a type of short form poetry originally from Japan. It consists of three phrases with 17 phonetic units in a 5, 7, 5 pattern.

love came to millions

 who found mates on

hey, it sounded good

it worked, so why not?


This was what I had planned on posting.

Phooey! I don't even know and am past

I suppose that with all the previous cavalier and I-don't-care-anymore postings on love, there is still a vestige in me that believes in romance, if only as a nostalgic memory. It is what makes love poignant.

Thus, I end the series with these lines that were recently shared by a dear friend.

You shall not forget, for I am past forgetting
I shall come to you again
With the starlight, and the scent of wild champakas,
And the melody of rain.*

What more is there to say?

I concede.

Love remains.

* To A Lost One, Angela Manalang-Gloria, Filipino poet

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