Tuesday, March 28, 2023

PS: This Is US

My favorite granddaughter (this is according to her) has volunteered her choices in the recent series' PERSONALITY TEST. Here are the results. 

IVH chose TEA CUP #13 which is white with a top band of leafy black design.

Your choice shows that you care deeply about other people and world issues, yet don’t know how you can help within the walls of your own home. 

You are overwhelmed with the world around you.  You like the safe and familiar.  

But change happens, so you have to learn how to roll with the times and situations, adding positive twists on everything.

You tend to blame others for things that have happened, but everyone is the creator of their own life.  You can quickly feel overcome with sadness or depression, but you need to break through these glum feelings with appreciation of all that you have been given and currently have.

Open your eyes to the beauty that is all around you.

When life gives you lemons, squeeze them in other people's eyes. 

I dream my painting and I paint my dream. - Van Gogh

Actually, I think that at a young age, you've already developed a keen sense of physical as well as inner beauty. In fact, I dare say that you have an inner eye that keenly perceives your surroundings.

Sight Is Beautiful. Pencil drawing: IVH, 11 years old, 2023

Your task is to write down 10 things that you truly feel grateful for and that simply make you happy.

Elephant #3, gray with of embellishments of white, pink, yellow, and red stripes, was IAH's choice.

Interestingly enough, Nani Ivy opted for the same one.

Your choice indicates that you are sensitive and cautious. You like stability in all aspects of your life, even on a sentimental level. 

You organized your life, so it scares you to launch yourself into new projects that maybe don’t agree with your plans. 

Open your mind and dare to be a bit more dreamy.

I have a dream - that one day, I will shut my tablet down, open my damn book, and start studying. - Anonymous

Finally, the feather pen granddaughter selected was #4. It is black with two sets of diagonal lines.

This feather pen indicates your outstanding ability to reason through things.

You are an attentive, wise, and not-very-easy-to cheat person.

You have an extremely strong personality and have the capacity to become a great leader. 

I'm not random. You just can't think 

as fast as me.

Keep in mind that all people are different with their unique personalities and their own vision of this world.

This will help you enjoy your life to its fullest.


Asi esta bien o no?

Saturday, March 25, 2023

This Is US!

Who Are You?

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons. Leave a little color and joy and personality wherever you go. - Anonymous

Two of you have insisted that I divulge my choice and results in the previous tests as well. To humor you, here they are.

Teacup - first one with the animal design: Quirky, a fun seeker that loves animals and movies. Initiating intense sports and activities is really not your thing. You are responsible and creative, yet don't like to take on major responsibilities. Let's say you like to keep things light.

Elephant - yellow: A perfectionist and idealist who has difficulty accepting the opinion of others. Don't like change, have to learn to be more flexible.

I suppose, on point, so far.


Now, back to results from the Feather Pen test.

IVY’S CHOICE, #5 with ornate lines and 'eye' feature

You are all about creativity and artistry. You have a very sensitive soul and rich imagination. 

However, your soul is also full of doubt, which very often holds you back from showing your ideas to others and attaining success. All you need to do is to overcome your fear of failure (we all have it) and go ahead with sharing your incredible artistic talent with this world.

DORIS'CHOICE, interestingly enough, is also #5.

VIC'S CHOICE, this is getting more weird, is... wait for it... #5 as well!

Huh?!! Can't believe that a Libra, Aquarius, and Aries person will be somewhat alike in some aspects.

Estas de acuerdo?

ALI chose differently, #3.

This choice indicates that you are strong-willed and independent. You chase your dreams without looking at others and reach them pretty quickly. You don’t accept failures and even if you have one, you’ll bounce back quickly and continue your way to success.

Some people might see you as a cold and isolated person, but the reality is that you open up only to those who are really close to you. It’s only these people who know what you are like on the inside.

There you go!

I hope you enjoyed taking the quizzes and finding out about yourself.

Was the description of your personality precise?

Whatever it is, YOU are what YOU ARE.

I, for one, have accepted that life is like looking for your phone. Most of the time, it's in my hand. I have stopped wondering if unpleasant things are happening to me because I didn't forward that email to ten people.

Also, until further notice, I've decided to call the days of my week:

ThisDay, ThatDay



Yesterday, Today

and NextDay

As for you, my patient and loyal readers who have graciously come along for the ride toward discovering your true self, let me share my personal assessment of you and some wise advice.

VIC, you've shown how you love spending your life doing strange things with weird people. You love those days when your only decision is window or aisle.

You love to always cook with wine, sometimes even adding it to the food.

Wherever you go, go with all your heart.

Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.

Wanna rumble? Haka dance performed by Maori warriors before going to war. Auckland Museum, New Zealand: 2010

IRISwhatever you do, you always give 100% (though I hope not when you're donating blood).

You don't hold yourself back and always know that you are capable of anything you set your mind to.

To keep your life balanced, hike more, worry less.

Follow your dreams. Except that one where you are naked at work.

ALI, a teaching doctor like you are harder to find than toilet paper during a pandemic.

You are somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody.

Long hours at work could be stressful, but you can look for magic in the daily routine.

A good thing to remember: if Plan A doesn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters.

Stay cool.

I've got a bone to pick with you! 

Personality begins where comparison ends. 


Saturday, March 18, 2023

Feather Pen

Who Are You? 

In the previous blog, you were given an array of multi-color elephants and asked  with which you identify the most. Here's what your choice says about you.

IVY’s choice was elephant #3. It is gray with embellishments of white, pink, yellow, and red stripes.

Your choice indicates that you are sensitive and cautious.

You like stability in all aspects of your life, even on a sentimental level. You have so organized your life that it scares you to launch into new projects that maybe don’t agree with your plans.

Open your mind and dare to be a bit more dreamy.

ALI, elephant #5 which you identified with is pink with multi-color designs on its body.

Your choice signifies that you are emotional and sensitive.

Feelings rule your life. You are authentic and unique, although sometimes people don’t understand you.

You know how exactly to appreciate the good and bad of life, but every once in a while you have to learn to say, No.

VIC, elephant #1 which you chose is blue, ornamented in patriotic red and white.

The dominant blue color of your elephant indicates that you are peaceful, spiritual and harmonious. You want to have balance in your life.

You are calm and in case of conflict, you can be distant because you don’t like to engage in altercations. However, even though it is helpful to maintain a peaceful position, you need to learn to dialogue to resolve conflicts.

You have to learn to trust people, but always with caution.


Does this last set of assessment make sense to you?

Regardless, we're moving on to today's quiz which is the last in the series. This one is designed to help you understand the strengths of your personality. 

Are you ready?

Choose one of the feather pens that you see in the image below.

The writing will be on the wall next week. Tata!

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Elephant Test

Who Are You?

Here's are results from last week's test. This is what the cup that you chose tells about you.

IVY'S CHOICE, tea cup #9: a light cream cup with ornate lavender roses

You love to feel liked and adored by everyone.

A great day for you is getting lost in a deep conversation, a good book, learning something new or listening to music. You appreciate being educated, for you feel it gives you power.

You desire to be known as someone who has accomplished many things, but you need to hop out of your bubble and assess life from a clear and grounded perspective.

Your thinking needs more balance and more appreciation.

Spending time in nature, or donating your time to a charity or cause in your area could really shift your mind set.

Your task is to do something kind for someone or something, to do something for others that comes from your heart. 

VIC'S CHOICE, tea cup #4: a slim, green metallic sippy container

Always on the go. Never enough time. Right? There are just not enough hours in a day to get everything done. You dislike being alone with your own thoughts, that is why you keep so busy.

You are a very disciplined person, yet you need to take the time to figure out what you really want to do with your life. Spend more time with people that inspire you and make you feel good. 

You need to take your image conscious energy and put it into a craft or hobby that takes you down a new path. In the meantime, try journaling, or writing out your thoughts. It is time to start observing the world around you as a magnificent miracle.

Take time to slow down and truly start observing.

Your task is to do nothing for a full day, maybe two. Literally try to do nothing. You will slowly ease into it.  Being on the go desensitizes us from life.

ALI'S CHOICE, tea cup #7: a pale pink, non-ornate cup 

Slightly high strung, you are usually quite a worried person that likes routine and the familiar. You enjoy the balance of your day-to-day schedule and all of your decisions are very thought out. 

You have a great empathy for others and can be quite a sensitive person. You have some kind of strong faith that you let guide your life.

You might feel that you have not found your authentic self yet, but that is because you need to become more independent and discover who YOU really are. Develop your own dreams and interests. Find what makes you truly happy.

Your task is to join a group or class that is completely out of your comfort zone. Just try it. It will help you decide what you truly love.

Is the assessment on point?


This week's test continues with a roaring trumpet blast.

Discover how you think and act and some areas of your personality. 

You just need to signify with which one of these elephants you identify the most.

Please send me the number of the elephant you chose.

Until next week.

Snort, snort, grunt. Pffffteee. Arouuu!

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Pick A Tea Cup

Who Are You?

I already know me.

A little random.

A little scattered.

What about you? Who are you, really?

In my blogs, I've attempted to do a portrayal of you through stories, anecdotes, and characterizations. Have they been accurate? Did they hit the mark? Sorta? Not quite?

Well, today, if you're reading this with a cup of coffee or tea in your hand and a heart filled with a desire to disclose the real you or discover stuff about yourself that you haven't even been looking for, this series of personality tests that I'm offering just might fill the bill.

Quizzes of this kind are usually intense.


Not these. Definitely not Myers Briggs or one of those other fancy assessments. But the revelation might be surprising or at least interesting and fun.

Are you game?

Here's this week's test. It’s time to brew some coffee or tea, let go of the stress, and delve into an aspect of who you are.

Which coffee/tea cup would you regularly drink out of? 

Please send your response (cup #) to me only through text or email. 

Analysis next week!