Saturday, March 11, 2023

Elephant Test

Who Are You?

Here's are results from last week's test. This is what the cup that you chose tells about you.

IVY'S CHOICE, tea cup #9: a light cream cup with ornate lavender roses

You love to feel liked and adored by everyone.

A great day for you is getting lost in a deep conversation, a good book, learning something new or listening to music. You appreciate being educated, for you feel it gives you power.

You desire to be known as someone who has accomplished many things, but you need to hop out of your bubble and assess life from a clear and grounded perspective.

Your thinking needs more balance and more appreciation.

Spending time in nature, or donating your time to a charity or cause in your area could really shift your mind set.

Your task is to do something kind for someone or something, to do something for others that comes from your heart. 

VIC'S CHOICE, tea cup #4: a slim, green metallic sippy container

Always on the go. Never enough time. Right? There are just not enough hours in a day to get everything done. You dislike being alone with your own thoughts, that is why you keep so busy.

You are a very disciplined person, yet you need to take the time to figure out what you really want to do with your life. Spend more time with people that inspire you and make you feel good. 

You need to take your image conscious energy and put it into a craft or hobby that takes you down a new path. In the meantime, try journaling, or writing out your thoughts. It is time to start observing the world around you as a magnificent miracle.

Take time to slow down and truly start observing.

Your task is to do nothing for a full day, maybe two. Literally try to do nothing. You will slowly ease into it.  Being on the go desensitizes us from life.

ALI'S CHOICE, tea cup #7: a pale pink, non-ornate cup 

Slightly high strung, you are usually quite a worried person that likes routine and the familiar. You enjoy the balance of your day-to-day schedule and all of your decisions are very thought out. 

You have a great empathy for others and can be quite a sensitive person. You have some kind of strong faith that you let guide your life.

You might feel that you have not found your authentic self yet, but that is because you need to become more independent and discover who YOU really are. Develop your own dreams and interests. Find what makes you truly happy.

Your task is to join a group or class that is completely out of your comfort zone. Just try it. It will help you decide what you truly love.

Is the assessment on point?


This week's test continues with a roaring trumpet blast.

Discover how you think and act and some areas of your personality. 

You just need to signify with which one of these elephants you identify the most.

Please send me the number of the elephant you chose.

Until next week.

Snort, snort, grunt. Pffffteee. Arouuu!

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