Saturday, July 22, 2023

Dazzling Topaz


Ah, to do nothing and do it well. - Veronique Vienne

You know what sounds amazing for dinner? Anything I didn't have to cook. 

My baking expertise? It only reaches as far as ready-to-bake Marie Callender's brownies and even those end up extra crunchy, Grandma-style, as Second Granddaughter avers.

Making jello? Second Daughter says that for me, it's rocket science.

My cooking is so fabulous that even the smoke alarm is cheering me on.

BUT... my summertime drinks are phenomenal.

Consider my Dazzling Topaz. 

In lieu of soda, it's my go-to beverage.

The best on the PLANET, as far as I'm concerned. 

All you need is a sizzling summer day, a few ingredients, and a little time.


(Serves 36)

Stir: 6 cups water

        6 cups white corn syrup

Add: 3 cups lemon juice

        3 teaspoons mint extract

        few drops yellow food color

        168 oz ginger ale

Garnish with:   fresh mint leaves and lemon slices



Easy and simple. 

It's a smile,

It's a kiss,

It's a sip of sparkling topaz.

It's summer time!


I just received this email from one of my faithful blog readers: 

Do you know I still have all the recipes that you shared with me, some in your own handwriting? One is the dazzling topaz recipe. I always loved that drink! You would make it for parties and our piano recitals. I attached a picture of your recipe. Notice the date and our old email addresses!



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