Saturday, February 10, 2024

An Affair To Remember

Valentine's Month

True love has a habit of coming back. - Anonymous

Have you seen this movie?

If No, and you have nothing better to do and want to immerse yourself in a sense-assaulting love story, rent it now or search for it in Netflix. It's the 1957 movie An Affair To Remember starring Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr.

If Yes, and you remember the sappy plot but want to skip it, scroll to the end. However, if mushy is okay with you, let me continue.

Nickie, a well-known playboy, and Terry have a romance while on a cruise from Europe to New York. Despite being engaged to other people, both agree to reunite at the top of the Empire State Building in six months.

On the day of their rendezvous, Terry is struck down by a car while crossing a street and is gravely injured. Nickie, waiting after many hours and unaware of the accident, leaves, believing that she has rejected him.

The story is relentless as it progresses into a celebration of how not even tragedy could tear asunder the love of the two soulmates.

What hardened soul could not be moved by the final scene where many years after, Nickie pays Terry a surprise visit on Christmas Eve?

Although he tries to coax her to explain her actions, Terry dodges the subject, never leaving the couch on which she lies.

As he is leaving, Nickie mentions a painting on which he had been working when they first met, and that it was just given away to a woman who liked it but had no money.

He is about to say that the woman was in a wheelchair when he pauses, suddenly suspecting why Terry has been lying still on the couch. He walks into her bedroom and sees the painting hanging on the wall, realizing that she was the woman in the wheelchair. 

Cue the gorgeous music score. Get the tissue box out.

What a turn of events! It tosses and turns the emotions. 

Tugging the heart to go for the cheap weep.

The film ends with the two in a tight embrace as Terry says, If you can paint, I can walk. Anything can happen, don't you think?

Aww, did anybody say true love is usually the most inconvenient one? 


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