Saturday, June 23, 2018

In Summer!

It's Show Time!

Sometimes I like to close my eyes and imagine 
What it’ll be like when summer does come. 
Bees’ll buzz, kids’ll blow dandelion fuzz. - Song lyrics, In Summer!

It's Olaf the Snowman's fantasy song from Disney's 2013 animated feature film Frozen.

Yes, I've watched the movie and find it delightful. Totally. The lyrics are nimble and the simple premise stays fresh. It's like getting a warm hug from your favorite snowman.

Thinking of Olaf, the friendliest snowman in Arendelle, I can envision him. Drink in hand, he's relaxing in the lovely sun, its long yellow rays lying like honey on the sand. He's getting gorgeously tanned. The wind from the sea has stayed away, and the air that usually feels like nothing wraps itself around him, thick and warm.

Just imagine how much cooler I’ll be. In summer! he croons. 

For sure, there is something darkly comical and sad about Olaf's naivete. As Kristoff, the Sami iceman tells him, I’m guessing you don’t have much experience with heat. 

But youthful optimism makes Olaf’s weather delusion sound and look deliciously delirious. I can hear him murmuring back, a smile of wonder breaking over his face.

Winter’s a good time to stay in and cuddle, 
but put me in summer and I’ll be a happy snowman! 

He continues to grunt a laugh, as he sings:

Da da… Da doo! A bah bah ba baba boo! In summer!

Kristoff thinks of letting Olaf know that every single thing that he dreams of doing will only make him melt faster, but Anna stops him, Don’t you dare!

I agree with Anna. Let Olaf sing of summer's joy. I'm unperturbed, for I have a sneaking suspicion that despite the expected demise, he's not ending up a goner. I can imagine him giving me a conspiratorial wink, as we wait and see...

... In winter!

To that I say, Máistte! Cheers!

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