Sunday, November 25, 2018

In The Beginning

Second Blogging Anniversary

Life is too short not to celebrate nice moments. - Jurgen Klopp

Why take a picture when you can write a thousand words? Or maybe just a hundred, or three on a good day. In other words, blog. It's an idea I copied from Younger Daughter.

Did you know there are 114 posts on this blog, plus almost ten month's worth of drafts?

I know, right?

Just between us, I’m as surprised as you.

Two years ago on this date, I sat down at the computer, clicked publish on the first one, and never looked back.  

I wrote.

And wrote a little more.

Of course, I've had surges of anxiety. Writing is like high school. You walk up to the popular table in the cafeteria, hoping that someone will invite you to sit down.  You stand there trying to make eye contact, holding your tray awkwardly, shifting from side to side, and waiting.

Waiting and hoping... hoping that someone will like you for you.

This blog has been a lot like that. My first post was about a bonfire (see In The Beginning). Since then, I've lined up travel memories and experiences. And musings on sundry, random topics. Divulged childhood tales and talked about my fav literary works. And all that time, I've wondered how my readers will like the writing. 

And as I typed and posted and typed and posted...

(Disclosure before I go on: my current readership consists of three, maybe four - and that's by choice.)

... two of you have sent kind comments on a regular/semi-regular basis, even suggestions for a diversified style. (Spoiler alert: an attempt to do just this will be reflected in next month's series.) A third one rendered a single verbal comment, It's all over the place! (I heard it.) At least, you've confirmed how my mind works - hither and thither. Sort of unfocused, for the most part. Like a dandelion that parachutes its seeds in the wind. My fourth non-family reader sent an encouraging note, Keep writing, and I will keep reading. 

So, I guess that I'd keep on writing and remembering.

And dreaming and blogging.

Thank you for being here for post 115 on this historic second blogging anniversary.

The blog wouldn’t be the same without you.

P.S. Speaking of 'bonfire,' I lit one on Halloween, but I'd have to think of a series of four to blog about it. 

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