Take life with a sea of salt. - Anonymous
For starters, I think that a Q&A is in order.
Get set.
Ask away.
What is the lowest point on the earth's surface?
Answer: The Dead Sea. At 1,300 feet below sea level.
A geological wonder that's also known as the Salt Sea, it is one of the must-do tourist attractions in the Middle East.

Is it true that there's so much salt in it, you can float?
I suppose we'll find out. Shall we take a dip?
Answer: Yes, it’s all true.
The water, crystallized with salt and glowing almost white in the sunlight, buoys you up. No frog kick or treading required.

It's the sea where you can't sink.
Around me, the water stretches out to the very edge of the horizon before dropping out of sight where the earth curves away from us.
It feels like time had warped and stood still. Moved backward and then forward.

I lift my face to feel the warm breeze.
The sun on my face is first pleasant, then hot and pulsing.
Feeling tiny, humble, inspired and salty all at once, I inhale deeply and then let out a slow exhale - dreaming of unpathed waters, unforeseen shores.
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