Thursday, October 17, 2019

Rotorua Hot Spring


Half of beauty is attitude, anyway. Or so they say in Us Weekly.

I sucked in my stomach as I sat on the ledge of the hotel's natural thermal pool.

We had just taken a couple of bus rides from Auckland and finally touched down on Rotorua in New Zealand. We had literally descended into a caldera, a volcano's mouth that was the entire town. 

Can you smell the sulfuric aroma? 

It struck me that there was an abundance of hot bathing areas around, from private pools to natural hot springs. Signs were everywhere. Like the overwhelmingly large advertisement on our hotel front. 

I got the impression that in a place like this, all you had to do was to dig deep down anywhere to get to those hot geothermal waters and receive their healing benefit.

I didn't care.

All I was interested in at that moment was the so-called optics...

Of an amazing-looking me. 

I kept thinking, Size 5 is a wonderful place to be. All those times when I thought I looked like I needed to do intermittent fasting... umm... Negative. 


I thought I looked like a supermodel. As long as I hid my tummy behind a strategically-positioned arm.

It was the perfect pose.

My stomach was flat. The 'L' was just silent.

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