Saturday, December 18, 2021


Faces Of Christmas

It's rehearsal day.

I couldn't believe it. Among other things, the Herdman were famous for never sitting still and never paying attention to anyone yet here they were, eyes glued on my mother and taking in every word.

"And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them," Mother said, "and the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and -" 

"Shazam!" Glady's yelled, flinging her arms out and smacking the kid next to her. "Out of the black night with horrible vengeance, the Mighty Marvo-"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Gladys." 

"Out of nowhere, right?" Gladys said. "In the black night, right?"

"Well..." Mother looked unhappy, In a way.

Gladys sat, looking very satisfied, as if this was at least one part of the Christmas story that made sense to her.

Need anything more be said? The candle for this week is JOY. 

In the midst of frenzy and disharmony, we are invited to pause, that we may prepare a room in our heart and receive the newborn King with resounding joy. 

The Lord has come. Shazam!

                                          (To be continued)

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