Saturday, December 11, 2021


Faces Of Christmas

Blessed is the season which engages 
the whole world in a conspiracy of LOVE. - Hamilton Wright Mabie

The thing was, the Herdmans didn't know anything about the Christmas story. They knew that Christmas was Jesus' birthday, but everything else was news to them - the shepherds, the Wise Men, the star, the stable, the crowded inn. They might have read about it, but they never read anything except Amazing Comics.

"What were the wadded-up clothes?" Claude wanted to know.

"The what?" Mother said.

"You read about it, She wrapped him in wadded-up clothes."

"Swaddling clothes". Mother sighed. "Long ago, people used to wrap their babies very tightly in big piece of material, so they couldn't move around. It made the babies feel cozy and comfortable."

And surely, loved.

This week, we light the candle of LOVE that wraps the baby Jesus - and us, too, and all those whom we love.

                    (To be continued)

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