Saturday, December 28, 2019

Flight 2020

Final Call

Christmas is over.

I didn’t want to mention it, and my heart literally sank a little as I typed those words.

And the saddest part?

There are 362 days until the next one.

This is the time of year that I have a hard time letting go. You know. The warm glow of lights and candles, the red and green dishes and poinsettia-imprinted placemats. But I did put everything away.

So the holiday is coming to an end, but before the year ends, I’m pressing pause for one hot minute. 


This moment.

This time.

To celebrate you all.

Truly. I cannot even begin to express how you have been my best gift.

As we take flight toward a new year, I'm hoping that you'd continue to tag along and join my rally for a fresh chance to get it right.

For starters, I'm resolving (and hoping you would, too) that all luggage should only contain the best souvenirs from 2019.


This will especially be hard for me being the worrier that I am, but I'm bent on leaving my anxieties and doubts in the rubbish bin.

The complimentary Cocktail of Friendship service that will begin shortly after we reach cruising altitude might help. So, yes, please. And Fanta, horchata, beer, icee or tequila, perhaps, for some. 

As to the in-flight meal, I'd be sure to order only the good stuff: 

Supreme of Health

Gratin of Prosperity

Bowl of Excellent News

Salad of Success

Cake of Happiness

All served with A Side Of Laughter

The duration of the flight will be twelve months. Let's stay buckled up while seated for safety's sake.

That all said, sit back now, relax and enjoy our hop-over to 2020.

Oh yeah, we’re going there now!

Wishing you

an enjoyable trip


 a successful year


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