Saturday, December 7, 2019


Christmas Haikus

Remember what is important.

Savor every minute with family and friends.

I’m telling myself this now.


Before it all slips away and I’m standing in front of crumpled gift wrap and left-over stale cookies and my nativity that has lost a camel and wonky advent candles.

This Christmas, I'm going to take a moment to breathe.

For starters, there is going to be minimal Christmas decor. Just a reindeer knickknack presiding over the dining table, seasonal platter, and neutral sprigs of holly.

Writing will also be minimal. 

This month's blog series will each consist of 17 syllables (not counting the words in this intro).




Starting now. Who's with me? 

let silence ring in

softly like an angel's voice

a whisper of HOPE



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