Saturday, February 15, 2020

Love Light

Love, Sweet Love

I love handwritten letters. 

Remember those? They seem a lifetime ago.

Before digital.

Before we texted messages using our phones.

I relish the way the words get neat when the writer is trying not to make a mistake. When you can tell that a lined sheet has been placed under the unlined white bond to keep lines of text straight across the page.

I'm amused by the way the words get jumbled up and occasional black ink dots from a Parker pen are incorrectly drawn or omitted when the writer is excited.

I adore the way uppercase letters sometimes get embellished with fancy twirls and curlicues.

Or the way words evoke pretty metaphors using images as large as planetary satellites because the writer is in love.

Like this one.

Captivating and appropriate.

From a lover to another.

I've just been thinking that perhaps Dionne Warwick and even the Beatles got it wrong.

Love isn't all we need.

Love IS all there is. 

Penned from the heart.

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