Saturday, March 28, 2020

Spectral Light

The Springtime Cometh

Blessed is the flame that burns in the secret fastness of the heart. - 
Hannah Senesh

Daytime might sizzle in Oahu but when the sun goes down, Waikiki gets even hotter - ablaze with flame from tiki torches and neon lights from lounges and bars on Kalakaua Avenue.

But tonight, despite pale stars that have gracefully slid into their places, day is slipping into eternal dusk.

Waikiki has gone dark.

It is in times like this that I call to mind how on the mainland, spring parts the curtain of night with a light offering. 

Not just any kind of light.


One that flickers romantically from a vintage metal elephant lantern with cutwork flower patterning on its body.

The elephant in Hinduism and Indian culture is a symbol of intellectual and earthy strength. It is a sacred animal and is considered the representation or the living incarnation of Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity riding a mouse.

I love the symbolism. Sensitivity. Wisdom. Loyalty. Reliability and determination.


It is said that somewhere in Africa, the elephant has a secret grave where it goes to lie down and unburden its wrinkled gray body. 

A hollow place of long echoes and tangible silences. 

Of semi-darkness.

But right here, right now, though only on my mind, how far that little candle throws its beams. Like a distant star, it is thowing thin shafts of illumination through the darkness. Spectral like spring's true beauty and goodness. Beautiful and surreal.

I settle into a chair, hopelessly seduced. 

Cocking an ear to the quiet rumbling and purring from an elephant soaring its spirit away.

Whistling the happy tune of my youth.

Attentive to cricket song counterpointing the wind serenade of distant bells.

Ready to refresh my soul with streams of dancing water.

For the springtime cometh.

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