Saturday, June 20, 2020

Under The Crabapple Trees

Come And Sit A Spell

When you realize nothing is lacking,
the whole world belongs to you. - Lao Tzu

It is like stepping into a fairy tale.

The sun has just set and an orange glow lingers on the horizon. It is not yet night and no longer day but some whimsical in-between. The insects have just begun to swarm and the light to change.

See that spot with the loveseat and divan underneath the crabapple trees? It has such a storybook quality to it that I half-expect the seven dwarfs to pop out, singing as they head back home from work. 

Doesn't that setting make you want to scream, Summer is here! 

Come and sit a spell.

Listen to the story those chairs are telling.

You see, they came from our southwest home 1,919 miles away and traveled twenty-seven hours non-stop with the Home Team Affordable mover. 

Now they have found a home. 

The scenery is like a postcard. Very Hemingway-esque. Like being in an outdoor cafe in Paris where you can sip a café crème and watch the world pass by.

It is a perfect afternoon. Dusk at its dramatic best. The sky a quilt of a thousand different colors. 

I take a deep breath, getting my fill of the fresh air. This, I'm thinking, is glorious.

No, change that. 

This feels like the way things always should be.

Like a wink from God.

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