Saturday, August 15, 2020

Far Beyond The Stars


Far beyond the stars, my soul is longing to go. 
- Song lyrics, The Singing Nun movie

I'm embarrassed to admit it in writing, but I have no sense of direction. When I ask, Where? -  please don't say, East or West, or any such words.

So I surprised myself when early on, I became fascinated with a song touting lyrics like, There beyond the sun. 

Far away, far away, beyond the stars.

Maybe because it sounded mystical. Maybe because it promised a better place. A heavenly glow.

At night, I would tiptoe to the window and watch for the stars to come out. I'd stare into the sky until the stars were so plentiful and clear I felt I could reach out and grab one and hide it in my back pocket.

One day, I told myself, I'd travel even through the darkest night and reach for the stars. It was an expectation.

Like I was at the edge of a cliff.

And I would soon be able to fly.

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