Saturday, August 1, 2020

A Starlit Night


Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you.

The brushed-out hair wasn't right. Too scraggly, Mum said. I tried a chic bun and hated it. Too formal and old. So I pulled my hair into a ponytail, just like always. Lola Maria's (now Mum's) heirloom diamond necklace and earrings set complemented my orange-polka dotted yellow dress perfectly. 

Accompanied by Mum, I was ready as I stood at the entrance of the Student Union rooftop garden. Tonight, I was to receive the Sigma Beta scholarship money given annually based on academic achievement and an essay from the applicant that justified the financial support. 

I vaguely recall bits from my written entry. I talked about just starting out. Just beginning, my dreams sprinkled with hopes and plans for a life that was to take me on an amazing journey.

It was my prize-winning writeup.

The night was perfect. The breeze was just strong enough to erase the lingering heat of day. Other than that, I don't actually remember how the event went.

Maybe I was so busy nibbling on imported chocolate chip cookies between sips of ice-cold pineapple-orange drink that the conversation between the sorority adviser and Mum blurred together like watercolors. I just noticed that they were both enjoying the flickering stars staining across the sky.

Then, I heard the adviser whisper something regarding the stars and going places someday. 

I looked at my Mum. The weak moonlight hit her face with a soft white glow. She was taking in the words graciously, pursing her lips.

When I asked her later at home what it was all about, her twinkling almond eyes wrinkled into a smile like she knew a secret she wanted to tell as she held my hands.

I met her gaze as she said, You are going places someday. Lots of places. 

Mum, how do you know that? How can you tell?

Her voice was barely above a whisper as she took in a deep breath and said, a little wistful, The stars said so tonight.

I held on tightly to her, relishing the great fierce warmth of her presence. Even though I had written, but only on a whim, about my dream of perhaps a new beginning, I didn't want to go anywhere. I wanted to stay exactly where I was.

That night, I went to bed with crickets and chirping and the taste of chocolate chip cookies and stars in the sky.      

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