Saturday, September 5, 2020

When The World Was Flat


When someone told me I lived in a fantasy land,
I nearly fell off my unicorn. - Anonymous

Life right now seems to be an endless stretch of misery punctuated by take-out food and the occasional crisis or amusing curiosity. That's why I enjoy fantasy.

You know.

When you escape into something far more extreme than reality or normality.

When you imagine things that are more beautiful and more wondrous.

So how about this for a bit of whimsy? It's a story I heard and loved as a child. 

It went something like this.

When the world was young, like maybe in prehistoric times, it used to be flat. It was supported by four giant elephants which stood on the back of an even larger turtle. 

Can you even?

The turtle swam through space so it needed no further support.

Just imagine how such a premise could explain a lot of things.

Earthquakes. Caused by wobbly elephant legs on an equally wobbly treading by a tortoise.

Symbolic tremors. When you try to balance every decision, every choice against a multitude of other choices and decisions precariously stacked against one another and leaning, tilting with every breath. Blame that on the pesky animal carriers of the world.

Lickety-split life changes. The turbulent waves carrying earth did it.

Splashing water or even floods. The fickle tides are precipitating it.

When you feel like you're peacefully floating. Calm waters today.

Maybe, a fool's paradise like this is what the world needs now.

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