Saturday, September 26, 2020

Yellow Unicorn


There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child.
There are seven million. - Walt Streightiff

I love the creativity and incredible genius that little hands can bring into being.

Just take a look at this drawing by First Granddaughter.

I Drew A Yellow Unicorn. First Granddaughter. 2020.
It invites you to look up the sky where three furry fish are flying upside-down and bees as big as basketballs are buzzing through.

Underneath, the magic and mystery of an octopus dressed in plaid, a carrot flying a kite, and a camel wearing a crown come to life. To their right, a green rhinoceros floats on the breeze.

Her vision is a colorful paradise where miniature, blue spaghetti trees grow and penguins wear pajamas.

It is a world filled with a marching caravan of a purple-spotted pig, a yellow polka-dotted unicorn, and a seven-legged elephant walking on the tips of its toes.

What a view!

Her teacher, shown to the right of the unicorn, applauds the imaginative artwork, It's beautiful!

First Granddaughter said her teacher was right.

I agree.

It's a masterpiece in which the heart of an artist pulses with vibrancy and exuberance. It's a joyous invitation to view ordinary things around us with a complete suspension of disbelief and eyes wide with awe.

I know days ahead can be busy. Everything is kind of crumbling in front of our eyes. But my wish for us is a moment to unwind. 

   To behold the miracle of the earth wobbling on elephant back.

   To indulge our curiosity and spin a ghoulish tale.

   To be mesmerized by a gyrating snake.

   To get lost in the garden of our mind with the wonder of a child.

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