Saturday, July 31, 2021

Balinese Bird House


A bird is safe in its nest - but that is not what its wings are made for.

- Amit Ray

Second Daughter said once of my pet lovebird Azul, Who knew a bird could have personal effects? 

He had a pink gem from Second Granddaughter, a cross stitched sign that bore his name, a lock and weight on the door to keep the jailbird in, and his looking glass. 

Looking at his stash, I sometimes find myself shutting my eyes and trying to concentrate, then give it up. But in the moment of giving up, find the memory of that captured moment swirling around me.

Perhaps, that is why I picked up this Balinese bird house and feeder with chimes even when Azul had long been gone.

So I could remember.

It would have been perfect for holding his favorite sunflower seeds. 

Built almost entirely of organic materials, its natural materials consist of small branches for roofing. The main piece is built from a hollowed bamboo that is painted blue and ornamented with twigs and various woods. 

If the wind should pick up, thin glassy shards strung on beaded nylon cords and hanging at the bottom would give fair warning of the coming long rain. 

The bird house would have been ideal for sheltering from the storm.

On any common summer day, I can imagine Azul, no longer a domestic captive, just randomly making a stop.

He will first fly lazy circles in the air before swiftly making a swoop and hopping on the warped wood of the perch. Undaunted, he would sit trilling his melody bravely and cock a bright eye, tilting his head mischievously before pecking on a seed or two.

He might do one of his trademark somersaults but shortly, he'd turn his chest to the sun. He'd hurry to fly off with a flapping of wings, his gaze to the sky.

Just like that.

Perhaps leaving behind but a tiny, ruffled feather teetering on the perch of his Balinese house.

Blue Bird and Feathers. Framed foto

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