Saturday, July 24, 2021

Spirit House


So this happened. 

In a market, for sure. Maybe in Chiang Mai or Bangkok.

I just remember walking on a crowded street alongside beautiful buildings and interesting architecture, unique souvenirs, handmade products, clothing, and a variety of stick food and desserts. 

It was all SO enchanting.

But just between us?

The only thing that was better than all these was seeing IT.

You know... IT.

The thing that you find... that you never knew that you wanted... that you had absolutely, positively no idea that you ever even needed...

... until you find it and wonder how you have existed until this moment without having it in your life.

It was a Spirit House.

Mounted on a pillar or a dais, it is a small, roofed shrine commonly seen outside most houses and businesses in Thailand. It is a dedicated structure to honor the guardians of the land and to protect the living from wayward spirits.

I thought it was glorious.

Depending on size and intricacy of its carving and ornamentation, it costs between 1563.51- 6220.8 (THB) Thai Baht or approximately $50-$200.

I looked away.

Then I looked again.

The one I wanted was as big as a dog house.

Do I really need one? Do I need a place where friendly spirits could congregate and enjoy my peace offerings of food and drink and rice, bananas, coconuts, and desserts?

Do I need it to keep bad spirits at bay?

At that price and the inconvenience of lugging it along approximately 8,623miles (on a straight line)?

Nah. Not this time.

Maybe Goodwill will have it someday, and nobody would know what it is. And both shall meet...

... My Spirit House and I.

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