Saturday, August 14, 2021

Let's Go Swimmin'


Happiness is a day at the pool. - Anonymous

I was reading over Hubby's shoulders a card he had received from Eldest Daughter. She was maybe only six? The writing was loopy. She dotted her i's in circles, not black holes, making the words look like they had misplaced eyeballs.

I regret that I hadn't saved it for a proper quote, but here is a reconstruction of what it said.

Dear Pa, you are in my favorites list. I like you because you say yes when Mom says no. You are nice to me and my friends.

I thought, Ha! Kids know that the best way to get their point across is with a pencil or crayon and paper.

The sentiment was sweet. 

The note continued.

You are the best Pa ever.


Looking over where the two girls were playing, I couldn't help thinking how they were like tiny rays of sunshine who light up the darkest of days. The first one was our 'light;' the younger one, our 'rainbow.' They were the reason I laughed and wanted to get up every morning.

I read on.

P.S. Can we go swimming this afternoon?

I don't like it when I'm trying to be serious, but then I accidentally smile. I was chuckling. Need I say more?

That afternoon, we headed to the public pool.

Snuggled within a colorful floatie, the girls, with a big white glob of sunscreen on their forehead and nose, were splashing, dog-paddling, and laughing.

And we laughed as well. It didn't matter what they were laughing about. It was contagious.

Our small excursion, I came to realize, was going to be part of their legacy of happy memories. As they grow, they may forget what we had said, but they wouldn't forget how we made them feel.

And at that moment, I just affirmed in my heart a vow of how we would stretch our love for them countless times around the world, and when the entire world was covered, we would stretch our love even through the galaxy...

... in search of a public pool.

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