Saturday, July 30, 2022

Jeopardy! Winner Declared


What a series! Exciting, huh?

To recap responses in the final round:

Senior One: What is Champagita?

Chorry. Cho wrong. No champorado for you! 

Wager: 10000

Not following rules, but chokey.

Final points:  (25+100+0) = 125 - 10000 = 

- 9875

Big Sis: What is champorado?

Muy bien! A chock-full of champorado for you!

Wager: 1000

Final points: (25+100+500) +1000 = 1625

First Daughter, elected member of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. Honolulu: May 2022

Little Sis: Since I was extremely preoccupied last week with heartbreak and getting ready for a long trip, I think I should get a pass on not submitting my question. I would like to wager 5000 to make up for last week. My response is What is Champorado? One of my favorite Filipino desserts!

Very long answer, but sweetly pleaded. We can omit the tuyo to make your champorado vegetarian. 

Wager: 5000


Final points:  (25+100+0) + 5000 = 5125

Second Daughter at Bathhouse Row. Hot Springs, Arkansas: May 2022

                          T H E   J U D G E S    H A V E    D E C I D E D !

* For having earned an unprecedented negative number of points in Jeopardy! history, first place in the LOSER AWARD goes to...


You are forever barred from being a Jeopardy! contestant.

For cuteness and earning the highest number of points (albeit a wager that's against the rules), a CONSOLATION PRIZE is awarded to...


For your prize, you and your guest will get a free meal at a restaurant of your choice, courtesy of, unbeknownst to him, one of our sponsors, VEVIII.  

For being the model contestant, religiously following all the rules, not being a troublemaker, and giving all correct responses... 

 Congratulations, BIG SIS ! 

You're this season's Jeopardy! CHAMPION. 

A cash award of $100, to be used as you please, will be sent to you via Paypal by the show's host, ATV. 

Thank you all for playing!

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