Saturday, August 6, 2022

Top O' The Morning

A Day In The Life

Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it. - George Carlin

From a certain height, men and women look the same, as if psychological and biological features were simply an accident of perspective and not something ordained by God.

Yet, they do differ in many countless ways. 

Do you suppose this is true? 

In this series, I thought it might be fun to test this theory based on data on a couple of people I know best, Hubby and myself. Plus, since I'm in the mood to go quasi-Shakespeare, I'm presenting said data via scenarios set in a 16th century one-act play. 




                                               Mwa.................. ATV

                                               Hubby............... VEVIII                     

Scene I: Seating room at home. Mwa approaches.

Mwa: Good morrow! How now? Happy days bring in another sun. Methinks it's going to be a lovely day.

Hubby (eyes glued to device): Mornin'.

Mwa (aside): He speaks. (Addressing Hubby): Heigh my hearts! Cheerly, cheerly my hearts! I wakest and takest true delight in the sight of a merry morning.

Hubby: Uurm...

Mwa (looking out the glass window): Here comes a hummingbird. By this day, it's so fair. (Addressing hummer): Were the nectar good, think you? (To Hubby): Look ye down thee and see. 

Hubby (without looking up): Yay.

Mwa: I wonder if Chippy be awaked. Hey-ho, sing hey-ho. This life is most jolly.

Hubby: Tut.

Mwa: I tell thee. I'm out of yarn. Prithee, wilt thou go with me?

Hubby (eyes rolling): Whither?

Mwa: To Meijer. Tis but a few blocks away.

Hubby (with a sigh): 'Suppose... 

Mwa: Grammercy. Come, let us to the store.

They depart.                                                      


Spoken by Mwa

'Tis well, yet once again

Let our plan go forward 

Come, to Meijer we go.

(To be continued)

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