Saturday, June 10, 2023

Why Do The Moon And Stars Appear Only At Night?

Bedtime Stories

A long time ago, when the world was young, the sun and moon were married to each other.

One day, the moon asked her husband, the sun, to watch their sleeping children since she had to gather food for the family.

But don't go near the young ones, she told him, for they would get burned by your intense noonday heat.

The sun, however, couldn’t keep from bending over to kiss the little ones. As his wife had feared, the children slowly started to melt. 

Because of this, his wife, the moon, became cold to him and endlessly blamed him for deforming their children.

She often harped about his self-centeredness, just because the entire universe revolved around him.

Until one day, the sun’s fiery temper got the better of him. He struck his wife’s face to stop her endless nagging and left the moon with scars and pockmarks on her face.

That incident caused the moon and sun to become estranged. 

The moon took her children with her as far as she could to get away from the sun. 

She and the children showed up only during the night when everyone was asleep so they wouldn’t notice the pockmarks on her surface or the imperfection of her children, the little twinkling stars.

The end

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