Sunday, December 24, 2023

Glad Tidings To All!

It seems like there isn't much to expect for Christmas this year.

Reportedly, Santa's sleigh was repossessed.

The North Pole is in foreclosure, and the elves have been laid off.

But come on, aren't we forgetting the true meaning of Christmas?

You know, the birth of Santa.

Or eating, drinking, and being merry?

Waiting For Company. Olive Garden Dinner: December 23, 2023

When you don't want to be judged as to whether you've been naughty or nice?

Just kidding.

Regardless of all the desperation, the anxiety and the woes, I know that in our hearts, there remains a spark of what Christmas is really all about.

              Home For The Holidays. Second Daughter's Home, Columbus

It is not so much about opening gifts as opening our hearts. Snuggled in the warmth of a fireplace, sharing a grandchild's joy.

It is keeping watch of a night when all is calm and bright, hoping for peace within our being.

It is filling our cup in abundance with love.

In this spirit, I send you all glad tidings and the warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas.

May this season fill your

 home with


light and joy!

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