Saturday, January 27, 2024


Talking To The Moon 

The moon is accomplice of all things related to the heart.- Walter Mercado

I had planned on talking about the movie Moonstruck, but I don't really remember much about it.

It is funny, I recall. It stars Cher.

So, I googled it for its cast of moonstruck characters.

First of, there's Loretta Castorini (Cher), a widow in her late 30's. She finds herself in a difficult situation when she falls in love with her fiancĂ©'s hot-tempered, estranged younger brother.

There is her wise, cynical mother who goes out to dinner by herself on a moonlit night and meets a middle-age university professor who specializes in seducing his young students, but who has found in this mature woman a certain undeniable sexuality.

There is Cher’s father who has a furtive and yet somewhat sweet affair that he has been carrying on for years.

So, there. Need I say more?

When the moon hits your eye, like a big-a pizza pie - that’s amore!

You're moon·struck.


unable to think or act normally, especially because of being in love

And so this blog series comes to an end.

Saturday, January 20, 2024


 Talking To The Moon

Only those who look with the eyes of children can lose themselves in the object of their wonder. - Eberhard Arnold

We were in search of something in the Kaneohe sky that night.


That was how First Grandson used to call... (could you have guessed it correctly?) ... the moon.

The night was pregnant with stars. But the moon was lost. Lost between clouds. 

Carrying baby boy close to my body, I'd hoist him up sometimes so he could see beyond the rooftops and plumeria trees.


Then we caught a glimpse of the moon hovering just above the canopy of coconut palms at the bend of the road.

Until it was in full sight, splashing its pale glow onto us.

Little Grandson pointed at it and crooned, Moono. 

It seemed like the moon followed us everywhere, putting on an elegant show of shape and color. At times, it looked like a mandala.

It never left. It was always there. Watching. Steadfast.

The moon was our loyal companion even as we headed home.

Looking back at it, baby boy muttered in a sleepy haze, Moono.

Then just like that, he was asleep in my arms. His chest moving up and down, his lips puckered soft.

Since then, his growing up has been happening in a heartbeat.

Hasn't it only been a few years back when he romped with Lolo or blew four candles on his birthday cake?

This is baby boy today, towering over us all. 

Bronze Medalist, TransPacific Volleyball Championships. First Grandson, 14 years old. Hawaii Convention Center, Waikiki: January 13-15, 2024

He calls me a midget, but I just smile.

Of all the things my hands have held, I was thinking, You are by far the best.

One whom I love to the moono and back.

No Longer A Baby, Our Moono Boy


Saturday, January 13, 2024

I'll Be Seeing You

Talking To The Moon 

... And when the night is new, I'll be looking at the moon but I'll be seeing you. - Song Lyrics recorded by Bing Crosby, 1944

Do you feel woozy every time your object of affection passes by your desk in class? Do you swoon with delirious happiness whenever he says as much as, Hi?

Well, guess who's having a crush?

Pimply teen me in second year high school.

A fallen victim to that wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise, and the lips to pucker.

Impish, youthful love.

That was when I woke up in the morning and went to school, just so I could see his face.

It was that time when I'd spend hours trying to find one imperfection, and I just couldn't find any.

It was when I'd hear a song on the radio, and looking up at the moon as the single most romantic place in the galaxy, I'd hum the tune, 

I'll be seeing you... All day through 

... thinking about him with Every.Single.Word.

It may be that the moon was looking upon many night flowers, and the night flowers saw but one moon.

But for me, that eventide, I looked at the moon and was only seeing you. (Sigh...)

In hindsight, how pathetically adolescent.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Silvery Moon

Talking To The Moon

The moon was a warm milky glow in the sky, as if the sight of it could become a song in the eyes of anyone willing to raise their head upward. - Angela Abraham

Among Auntie Lucy's suitors, Mr. Mendez was my favorite.

He was kind and gentle.

More importantly, he had a car.

Whenever he visited, I remember that I'd pat my plaited hair neatly, smoothen out my dress, and put on my chinelas (slippers). Then, dragging First and Second Brothers, I'd advise my Mum, 'Mie, punta kami sa kabila (we're going next door) and run the few steps to Lolo Gorio's house.


Because I knew that Mr. Mendez would be taking us all on a ride along Dewey Boulevard. 

The area was a popular waterfront promenade. Running along the shores of Manila Bay, it was well known for its sunsets and stretch of coconut trees.

I didn't know why, but every time we did this ride, we'd belt out:

By the light of the silvery moon

I want to spoon

To my honey, I'll croon love's tune

Perhaps, it was the grace of the white-gold moon that made us sing.

Honey moon, keep a-shinin' in June

Your silvery beams will bring love's dreams

We'll be cuddlin' soon

By the silvery moon

Maybe it was its glow.

Its magic. 

The wonder.