Saturday, August 24, 2024

Gas Out

Game On 

Family - a little bit of CRAZY, a little bit of LOUD, and a whole lot of FUN. - Anonymous

Sprawled on the carpet, First Grandkids and we eyed Guster. He was the prominent character seated prominently at the center, presiding over the Gas Out game.

Waiting with bated breath as our turn came playing our card in hand, we took turns pressing Guster as many times as shown.

The premise was simple. If Guster farted, you were out.

Your turn, Jach. First Granddaughter chuckled under her breath.

Getting ready for a potentially odorous blow, Jach gingerly pressed Guster.

Whew! Nope. He seemed pleased, a smile twitching at the corners of his mouth.

Cheatah, Jach, First Grandson piped in briskly. You didn't even press Guster. Do it! - at which point Guster the Gas Cloud, full of intestinal discomfort, emitted a loud PBBBT!

We all burst into a wet and teary laughter.

G's turn.

BRAAAP! Guster was ripping at every turn. I knew that if I opened my mouth, the laugh would just burst out, so I just made nods and kept my head bent down.

Eww! The blasts were not silent and they were definitely deadly. Cards in the deck kept the fun tooting along.


Yay! Skip! First Granddaughter looked up, her eyes widening.

The reverse card "blew" the turn back in the opposite direction. Phooey! First Grandson huffed out a laugh.

The sound that came out was unpronounceable. Something like THPPTPHTPHPHHPH!

I don't recall how the game ended, but what I remember was elation rising inside me.

A moment of intimacy.

Enclosed in a bubble of joy over such a silly thing as a stinking, breaking wind.

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