Saturday, August 3, 2024


 Game On

The 2024 Summer Olympics is officially underway, taking place in Paris from July 26 to August 11.

It brings a sense of togetherness and motivation that no other sporting event can. It inspires us to look to the best of the best to find a piece of ourselves, something we can relate to, a dose of ferocity and grit that we can apply in our own lives.

It is in this spirit that I'm highlighting in this series MY take on competitive gaming.



Learn to get excited like a child. There is nothing that has more magic than childish excitement. - Jim Rohn

I loved playing Pac-Man. I relished hearing its sound chomping on pellets.

I was starry-eyed about the idea of eating dots inside an enclosed maze.

You might say, slightly possessed.

Underneath my fierce look was mirth as I kept glaring at the dots.

I remember how with gusto, I would strategize on how to avoid four colored ghosts who were threatening me with the Death Stare.

The pink ghost was so pink it was almost throbbing. You're not getting me, I vowed with my jaw set.

The ghosts are turning blue! What the??!

I realized with a sudden thrill that large flashing dots called power pellets were causing the transformation. But a handout for me. Pac-Man could eat them for bonus points.

I held up my hands and waggled my fingers in a gesture that said, Gimme. More. Cough it up.

Needless to say, every minute of the game was rousing as well as scary. At times, I actually pounded the console with both fists like a toddler in a fit.

As the game progressed, I couldn't keep calm because I was so freaking excited, especially when the stakes increased in difficulty. The ghosts became faster, but I stood my ground, amused. My enthusiasm was undefeated even as the energizers' effect decreased, eventually disappearing entirely.

Alas, I was caught by a ghost. I'd lost all my lives.

Game Over.

I nodded earnestly. 

That was fun.

Still A Pac-Man Fan! Second Daughter contributes this foto taken New Year's Eve, 2023 at Pins. She claims that I would barely let [VEV] play.

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