Saturday, September 21, 2024


 Simple Gifts

My moods don't just swing - they bounce, pivot, recoil, rebound, oscillate, fluctuate and occasionally pirouette. - Anonymous

I had recently gifted myself a mood ring.

It contains a so-called thermochromic element or mood stone with liquid crystals that change color depending on the temperature of the wearer's finger.

Interesting premise, huh?

The design I chose was that of an axolotyl.

I'll call you Axo, I beamed, as I looked at his lizard-like limbs, branching gills protruding from both sides of the head, and a nature-made smile that was unusually cute.

He's magical.

He constantly changes colors, just like the weather which has been capricious. Golden sunlight one minute, black skies and windblown rain the next.

Once, when I checked my ring, Axo was joyfully wearing a smile and showing off a bright reddish color. He looked like he was anticipating the sense of promise brought by the fresh smell that filled the air.

I'm happy, he seemed to say, unprompted.

For most of the day, though, Axo started to  turn green. Normal, average - according to the mood chart. 

When I checked later, he had turned purple. Seemingly smirking. Huh?! My situation had gone from normal to sensual

What did Axo know that I didn't?

I couldn't contain my amusement at the thought. If I had believed in wishes, I'd wish.

But the possibility certainly cheered me considerably.

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