Saturday, December 22, 2018

So Close To Amazing, Part I

True Home Confessions

Welcome to the latest edition of As the House Redecoration Turns.

It has been three-and-a-half months since my crusade, and I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself... like I’m in the finals for decorator of the year and someone is about to knock on my door with a trophy and a blue ribbon.

After all that scurrying and deciding and planning... now the great room looks like it has stepped out of House Beautiful and can well be pinned a zillion times on Pinterest.

I know, right? If you have been following this series, you are nodding with me.

I’m in a committed relationship with my house. I can’t help it. Every time I pad through in my American Airlines-provided socks, my heart smiles. And just between us? I will re-live every step of the journey for this moment.

I never dreamed. 

I’m not overstating it.

I never imagined my slipper-type air carrier hosiery would ever walk so far.

So, it won't hurt... if I take Just.A.Small.Peek into what's trending in home design and life style. 


Eeekk! What??!! You’re just chilling and drinking coffee and trying to figure out if spaghetti squash is a thing. And then you blink….

…and someone says, Who-guh? (Aside: that's how this Danish word is pronounced.)

My palms become sweaty, my throat dry, as I read on. Do you know where your anxieties are?  For a happy life filled with wonderful moments, whatever the time of year, bring more hygge into your daily life.

Hygge means to live in and savor the moment, deep down inside. Drop that into conversation in the deli aisle at Meijer and heads will turn with respect. The concept is an emerging movement espoused as an antidote to the trying times we find our society in. 

It’s about the everyday small pleasures that nourish the soul - a beautiful design, a walk.

It’s about creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. 

It is the invitation to get together, the beauty of simple things, the heart of conversation, the details of hospitality.

Say what?! My head is spinning. Just when you think it cannot get any better, you are nudged toward the idea of a life that is lived to the fullest... 

... and where every moment counts. Wow! All that sounds close to amazing. 

Is it possible?

Noah had his rainbow. Jacob had his ladder. Sarah had her son. God knows I'm into creating the coziest home ever, so he has sent me a sign of his faithfulness in the form of hygge.

I already feel more in touch with my emotions.

(To be continued)

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