Saturday, December 8, 2018

I Got This!

True Home Confessions

I have to go all George Washington and the cherry tree today. I cannot tell a lie.



So I rallied myself with a renewed sense of purpose. I squared my shoulders and began to surf the Internet for answers. 

Guess what word repeatedly floated like a lifebuoy in bold letters when I googled, SOS Drowning in Clutter?


Control your own destiny. The easiest way to organize your stuff is to get rid of most of it. 

I saw the light. I needed to know my clutter. The word was derived from a middle English word clotter which meant 'to coagulate.' 

Marie Kondo's Spark Joy, an illustrated master class on the art of organizing and tidying showed the way out of my 'coagulated' rut. You held an object in your hands, as close to your heart as possible. When something sparked joy, you should feel a little thrill running through your body. That was the sign for a keeper.

I got this! 

I hugged my prized possessions that didn't pass the spark test, looked at them with a thank you in my tear-filled eyes, and tossed them in a Goodwill donation sack.

Stalwart survivors got united, segregated, and desegregated by category and neatly piled in bins and baskets. A few doubtful ones were quarantined to be dispositioned later.

I became a Marie disciple, folding Hubby's and my entire wardrobe, big and small, each into a Konmarie four by one-and-a-half inch free-standing roll. Check the video here:

And triangulating empty plastic grocery bags in small reservoirs of delight.

Even my spices were purring in alphabetized contentment. And my leftovers were color-coded.

I’m happy to report that the clutter disappeared (most of it, anyway) and the house is clean.

Full of joy.


I know. Did you sigh, too? 

I can now breathe easier.

(To be continued)

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