Saturday, December 15, 2018

Pure As The Driven Snow

True Home Confessions

I was looking around the great room when inspiration struck. What if I challenged myself and made this room more great? 

Raise your hand if you have a big opinion.

Oh, good. Please come sit by me and let's discuss.

Do you notice that behemoth grand piano that's blocking the view? What if...

 ... what if I pull it toward the back and trade its spot with the seating area? 

You agree? 

So that morning, I tugged... and pulled... and pushed. And tugged some more. And as the Shigeri Kawai found a resting place on the far corner of the room, the sky parted and a chorus of angels sang praises on the new living arrangement.

Their blessing upon the room overfloweth!

But something was lacking. You know, that look of lightheartedness. The stylish simplicity that I had seen in Pinterest photos. White interiors, neutral decor, organic materials, plants, and lots of light. How about (I'm not even asking your permission on this one)...

... a bright, spare, Nordic interior?!  

I was obsessed.

I didn’t think.

I simply did.

I was a lunatic.

I went thrift-shopping for white ironstone dinnerware and decor at Goodwill like it was my full-time profession.

I spray-painted side tables and folding chairs and trays and an entire wrought-iron deck furniture set with Krylon super glossy white. To say I painted a few things was like saying 90210 was just a zip code (look this up if you don't know). I was on a mission to Nordicize anything that didn't move. 

(Aside: Hubby must have noticed me eyeing the black-speckled kitchen counters, so he decided to get them professionally re-done. Needless to say, white quartz was our color of choice.)

When there was nothing left to paint, I went all Thomas Kinkaid getting a glow on all available surfaces with twinkling lights and white taper candles in glass holders.

For greenery, I rooted English ivy and spider plant in milk glass vases.

In the past, some of my projects didn't turn out as I had expected. But this time, the stars aligned. And the universe decided to cooperate.

And all was as pure as the driven snow.

(To be continued)

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