Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven. - Henry Ward Beecher
You'd think that kids haven't yet had a trove of insight that would be inspirational to adults.
Wrong. They are so wise, witty, and wonderful.
Especially my grandchildren.
I know that I'd quickly forget the sweet, sassy, insightful, and funny things they have said if I didn't record them somehow, so here are some of them.

This one you may remember from grammar school. The acronym many students use for the lines of the treble clef is EGBDF- Every Good Boy Does Fine. His rewritten version:Every Good Boy Deserves Fortnite.
If you didn't buy all that wine, you could have bought that big house. - To Lolo
This is a classic - an original, unsolicited story reflecting his current interest in black holes and astroyeds (asteroids):
The Class that Went to Outer Space
Once upon a time there was a boy named Danny.
He lived a normal life until he learned about the black hole in outer space. Danny was fascinated, he learned a lot about the black hole in school. He is in 4th grade. He has 2 more months of school left in fourth grade.
Danny wants to go to outer space when he gets older.
One day in school his teacher told everyone since they were learning so much about the black hole and outer space they were going to go on a spaceship into space.
Danny was so excited! He told his mom and dad he was going to go to outer space.
Danny and his class went to space and got sucked up by the black hole. The class was never seen or heard of again. The end.
First Granddaughter
After buying a box of cereal and receiving singles as change for her ten dollar bill from the cashier at the convenience store, her eyes got bigger as she exclaimed, I'm rich!
Looking at the view from a scenic chair lift in Montana, she said incredulously, How is the whole world in Montana covered in trees???
She told her Mama one night that if she had to leave the house in a hurry, she would take her bunnies, pillow, blankie, Bubba's mementos (his clay paw print and lock of fur), and the book Grandma made for her on her birthday.
Here's a string of emails last year about our upcoming visit:i miss you two and how long are you going to stay? Like five years! hope more then that like 100! my birthday in two months! And have a Merry merry christmas merry merry merry one! LOVE: your crazy granddaughter YAY!
YAY! You know i Iike lol dolls and lps and squishies they are so so squishy they have cool design and can u stay for 4,76436764,5 days? I know how to spell lots of words and know times it's easy well kinda I know 9×9 it's 81 8×7 is 56 and bro didn't know 8×7 its easy! And 5×0 is 0.
hi grandma and lolo your so nice and yes i could tech bro how bout nine times zero easy it is zero Any thing that starts with zero is zero. And do you have a dog like a golden retriever of poodle or lab? i love you YAY!
Use your credit card. So you don't spend your money. - To Lolo when he went to pay for the kids' Seven Eleven snacks
I've been Claireified and cutified.- After shopping at Claire's with her Mama
She recently divulged, Reading is my passion. And that, The library is my happy place.
Her latest aphorism: I thought happiness started with 'H' but it really started with you. (Where does a seven-year-old get this thought from?)
One morning, after I had commented that I didn't have any emails or text, she empathetically remarked, I know how that feels.
Second Granddaughter
To me as she comes out, tearful, after having received a flu shot: We're not talking about this.
Seriously, Jach. - To Lolo's corny joke
When we brainstormed, she would always come up with, I have an idea. When asked where her brilliant idea came from, she would answer, My brain told me.
Jach, you're color blind. - To Lolo who asked her to choose from 'two' colors of ice cream cone (there were actually three colors)
My Dada's obsessed. - When asked why she took off her neck scarf
Mama, do you think you work too much? When asked why, she said, Because we were learning about 'balance' at school.
So, here's to 'seeing' the beauty of that which is unseen.
To just breathe while contemplating the warmth of the sun.
To run the race with enthusiasm.
To preserve an unabashed view of the world.
May the wings of the butterfly find your shoulder to light on - to grace your life with peace and contentment for the new year and beyond.
You should be happy with what you got. - Her handwritten inscription on a glass candle holder.
What did I tell ya? Isn't my family discerning, witty and wise?So, here's to 'seeing' the beauty of that which is unseen.
To just breathe while contemplating the warmth of the sun.
To run the race with enthusiasm.
To preserve an unabashed view of the world.
May the wings of the butterfly find your shoulder to light on - to grace your life with peace and contentment for the new year and beyond.