Saturday, January 18, 2020

Just Run

Inspirational Stories

From Second Daughter, An Exhilarating Post
(December 2016, Printed With Permission)

I've learned a lot through running the past several weeks. 

That I need to run at least every other day to decompress from holiday and end-of-year work stress.

That running in five-degree weather makes me feel like I can do just about anything.

That fleece-lined running tights are the bomb diggity.

That running in the snow, albeit gingerly, is like no other scene of serenity. 

That running is the best way for me to live.


So run, my bright-eyed one!

You're off to great places. Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting. Get on your way.

And when you can't run anymore, run with your heart.

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