Saturday, January 11, 2020

I Want To See The Sun

Inspirational Stories

From First Daughter, A Heartwarming Story
(March 2018, Printed With Permission)

I want to see the sun.

This was the request of my elderly, very frail patient, spoken through his breathing mask. He explained that he had been in the Intensive Care Unit for two weeks and hadn’t seen the sun.
                  Sunset On Waikiki Beach. Photo, V.E.V.

So I had his bed moved by a big picture window.

I couldn’t cure his advanced lung cancer, but he was so happy to be by the window, he grasped my hand in gratitude. He didn’t even wish to be outside in the sun, he simply wanted to see it.

To be able to see the sun, to freely take in a deep breath without needing help, these are the things I’m thankful for.

I’m grateful for my patients reminding me of these simple, precious joys.


Gratitude and joy in the simple moments.

Yes, to that.

The quiet of the night when we close our eyes and fall into a dreamless sleep, thinking of sunshine after moonlight.

The dawning day blessing us with sunshine on our face,  warm enough to make our hearts sing, bright enough to make the shadows fall behind.

Here comes the sun, and I say, It's all right.

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