Saturday, April 10, 2021

Greet The World Like A Princess


Sometimes we tell our stories. But sometimes our stories tell us especially if it's a beautiful one like the classic children's Cinderella, or as two-year-old Eldest Daughter used to say, Cindeweia.

She loved it so. 

I understand the appeal. Cinderella is sweet and kind, and her story is one of true triumph. And not only that, it teaches important life lessons.

Be kind.

Especially to animals. They have feelings, too. And besides, you never know when you’re going to need those mice to pull your carriage.

Always help others in need.

If an old lady with a scarf around her head and glittery eyes extends a gnarled hand toward you and asks for water, offer her some dinner, too. You never know. She could be your fairy godmother in disguise. And make sure you have some pumpkins lying around in case she wants to turn one of them into a carriage.

Have courage.

Life can get a little overwhelming. Your stepmother will make you clean the floors and you have stepsisters who wear matching dresses, bad attitudes, and totally random hairstyles.

I get it.

But one day you’ll be at a ball with someone special who turns out to be a prince and your waist will be eighteen inches and your dress will be sweeping and your hair will be sparkly and you will be dancing like a princess.

Be true to who you are.

Even when the magic ends and you are back home in the attic, ignore the fact that you are having a really bad hair day and that you’re in a torn gown with soot on your face.

None of that matters. True beauty comes from within.

Through the years, I've seen Eldest Daughter grow up, a princess at heart, from whom I've gleaned these life long insights. 

To this day, she daily teaches me. 

Hold your head high.

And greet the world like a princess. 

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