Friday, April 9, 2021

Wartime Wedding

On April 9, 1942 Filipino and American officials in command of Bataan, a province in the Central Luzon region of the Philippines, formally surrendered to the Japanese. Through a radio broadcast, the announcement was made to the world.

Bataan has fallen. 

The date has lived in infamy as the Fall of Bataan.

I'm not sure why, but my parents decided to wed on the same date a couple of years after. Thus, it had been a family joke that their marriage foreboded a fall. We were not sure for which one of them (LOL).

Here's Mum at 26 years and Dad at 24 on their wedding day.

Standing behind: Nanay Ching (Dad's youngest sister), Auntie Tessie (Mum's sister), Nanay Taba referred to as Fat Mother in previous blogs (Dad's mother), Lolo Gorio (Mum's father), and two groomsmen whom I don't know.

The die had been cast.

The rest is history. 

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