Saturday, September 3, 2022

Eiffel Tower

Iconic Edifices: Paris, France

When did Winnie the Pooh become a brilliant philosopher? Every time I look for quotes, there’s one from him that gives me a new perspective and a reason to reevaluate my life.


Like this one.

How do you spell love? asked Piglet.

You don't spell it, you feel it, said Pooh.

Climbing up exactly 674 steps to the second floor of the Eiffel Tower that day, I wondered. Could I?

Constructed as the entrance to the 1889 World's Fair, it is now one of the most recognizable structures in the world. Reputedly a symbol of love.

In total, there are 1,665 steps from the esplanade to the top, but the stairway from there is not open to the public. Thank goodness, a stairway+ lift ticket took us the rest of the way.

So from 984 feet up (or 1,063 feet if you include the broadcast antennas), I peered through the wrought iron lattice of the tower and surveyed the scene.

I wanted to feel the love.

I began to imagine a scenario in which total strangers meet. The woman falls in love with the guy. And he falls in love right back. And they walk off into the sunset together. 

Cue the fireworks.

That was how I pictured love.

That was how I thought it should be.  You know… sparkling stars in the sky and trails of petals everywhere and fireworks.

But along the way, you know what I’d discovered?

You know what they never really talk about in Hallmark movies?

It’s that sometimes, the happily-ever-after isn’t in the grand gestures and proclaiming your love from the top of a tower.

At times, it is in the smallest pleasantries.

Like a libation of cappucino with frothy cream. Or a crème brûlée. 

Surely, I will have been had at, Bone-ghore!

L'amour est dans l'air. Love is in the air.

I can feel it.

You go Winnie!

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