Saturday, August 27, 2022

Have Suitcase, Will Travel

A Day In The Life

Recalling past trips and preparing for upcoming ones have spurred the inclusion of this travel prep scenario, rendered in modern English for easier reading.



My brain is like a world globe that spins endlessly on its axis, never slowing down, a constant blur of cities and nations and possibilities. I suppose that's what happens after visiting over the years some 54 countries on five continents, more than I ever imagined I would.  

Which actually has motivated me to develop a methodical way of packing, whether it's for a couple of weeks overseas or just a three-day weekend somewhere on the mainland.

It all starts with a spreadsheet. At least a month or so before actual departure time. It may not sound very exciting really, but it works.

On the horizontal row are laid out tops, bottoms, footwear, accessories, jewelry, and comments. 

I suppose I'm a 'just in case' packer. Just in case a formal event pops out.

I also have clothes in which to accept the Nobel Peace Prize and clothes for a funeral or spelunking.

In short, outfits for just about any occasion.

The vertical rows will have the dates, noting any special events.

For ease of use, all items for each day are packed in a baggie that's labeled, of course.

These are just the wearables.

Of course, these could change should I decide later that I could have gone with the solid tee rather than with the striped one that isn't my power look.

And yeah, there's a sub spreadsheet of essentials which includes makeup, toiletries, meds, devices, and chargers.


He packs a day or two before departure - tops.

Sometimes just minutes before leaving. 

The extent of his stash? Tees, shirt, socks, underwear: two of each. M

If possible, just one set of clothes. Just pick something that never stinks, barely needs laundry, and always looks great.

Less is more.

Actual clothing packed for upcoming two-week overseas trip. August 2022

Carrier of choice: small carry-on? Optional.

Duffel? Maybe.

A plastic bag? Preferred.

For goodness sake. You can't expect me
to fly south for the whole winter without
bringing a few things!

We're done and ready to go.


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