Wednesday, March 30, 2022

For My Ding


February 5, 1951- March 27, 2022

There may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning. - Psalm 30:5

God had mercy and took away my brother Eddie's misery from illness on a Sunday morning.

I can't believe he's now walking upright.

Leaping for joy.

Third Brother hosts a Philippine visit

My brother got his gift of final healing.

For that, I am grateful.

Flowers For Ding: Easter lilies that bloom every spring in our Columbus garden

I had looked back for signs that across the seas, my brother somehow let me know of his moving on.

And I remembered.

At around 8 pm, First Granddaughter and I were doing our usual YouTube after-dinner perusing. She suddenly stopped and said, Grandma, do you hear that? Someone’s throwing up. We both looked out the window but saw nothing.

In my later conversation with the sibs, they had told me that Ding threw up just immediately before he expired. It was at 8 pm Hawaii time.

Hubby and I had our usual morning walk today and were regaled by a flock of white tern birds on a banyan tree branch.

Then a fat one flew down on the grass. So elegant and delicate, with immaculate all-white plumage.

I knew it.

Ding came to tell me that he is free.

He is flying through the air and living in the sunlight.

My brother lives on.

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